businesses are open again bogotá Colombia santa fe neighborhood

businesses are open again bogotá Colombia santa fe neighborhood

We had to cut out some scenes in this video that we uploaded a month ago. now we upload it again

After the confinement situation, businesses have reopened in most places in Bogotá. They have also done it in the Santa Fe neighborhood.
Después de la situación del encierro, los negocios han reabierto en la mayoría de los lugares de Bogotá. También lo han hecho en el barrio de Santa Fe.

Businesses are open again Bogotá Colombia Santa Fe neighborhood 2021

Recorrido por la ciclorruta en dirección a un centro comercial en Bogotá

00:00 - Highlights of the video in Bogotá Colombia
00:21 - Through the Bicycle Route Calle 6 Bogotá Colombia

00:46 - At the shopping center Bogotá Colombia
02:41 - Cycle route Calle 26 to Barrio Santa Fe Bogotá Colombia
02:53 - Barrio Santa Fe Carrera 17 Calle 24 Bogotá Colombia
05:55 - Calle 21 Carrera 13a Bogotá Colombia
06:54 - Calle 19 Carrera 15 Barrio Santa fe Bogotá Colombia
11:54 - Carrera 16 Calle 22 Barrio Santa Fe Bogotá Colombia

Businesses are open again Bogotá Colombia Santa Fe neighborhood 2021

santa fe neighborhood bogotasanta fe neighborhoodssanta fe neighborhood during the riots in may 2021 bogotá colombia

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