Autumn romance - very beautiful music, gentle, relaxing music for the soul!

Autumn romance - very beautiful music, gentle, relaxing music for the soul!

Briefly about the video:
I love autumn. Even when I miss the summer incredibly. I love autumn. Even when I leave the house in the morning and shiver from the sudden harsh wave of cold after an incredibly sweltering summer day. In the fall, everything is completely different. In the fall, you begin to understand yourself and the world. And how beautiful everything around looks, it's just amazing! The air is clean, clear, the sun is soft, the colors are bright, the nature is very beautiful, it is difficult to convey, the smell ... the smell of autumn drives me crazy! Spice and sweetness, coolness and freshness, aromas of all shades are unique for autumn. After all, autumn always brings freshness, clarity and inspiration to life, along with freshness and coolness. I invite you to watch my new video about the beginning of autumn and listen to incredibly beautiful music, with notes of sadness of the composer and musician Arseniy Yakshiyants. With this video, I want to convey to you my feelings that I experienced at the beginning of autumn while strolling through the parks of the wonderful city of Warsaw.
My channel "AK Music for the Soul" was created for you with great love, so that you can calmly relax, immersed in the most incredible, amazing and magical world of music. Watch my videos and enjoy! Let every minute spent on the channel be a pleasant rest for you.
Enjoy your viewing and rest!

Musical work by Arseny Yakshiyants - Autumn romance
Musical composition of the pianist and composer Arseniy Yakshiyants Musical license: Author's music by Arseniy Yakshiyan is distributed under the “Creative Commons -Attribution 4.0 International” license,
Blessed memory of the composer Arseniy Yakshiyants. The fact that he is no longer alive, I learned quite recently, the music is gentle, sad, with a touch of sadness and very beautiful.
Editing of the video belongs to the author of the channel "AK Music for the Soul"
All materials used in the video are licensed by the channel from the official sites;
The video uses materials available under the Creative Commons CC0 license from the site:
1. ""
2. - Stock videos released under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.
3. - Stock videos released under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.

beautiful musicmusic for the soulCalming music

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