An Authority, A Declaration and A Order

An Authority, A Declaration and A Order

It could also mean the name of people to be written in The Book of Life or names to be blotted out of The Book of Life.

It could be a spiritual order of angelic warfare concerning the world and sorting people, nations and kingdoms in this hour.

I want to stress I'm not a prophet but a watcher and observer and I'm presenting this due to the level of blasphemy present and to warn to walk in wisdom in case the audible only dream indicates a spiritual event.

it might also mean angels are preparing to defend against certain men who have been doing Satan's will on the earth.

also understand it could mean ALL of the above.

It could also mean certain people will do something (prophetic) and GOD is making a list of who these people are.

Most likely the audible only dream has no spiritual significance, so let's not presume it does, due to the urgency we should error on the side of caution and be sure to not use any name but Jesus and also let's try to not use his name in vain in 2021 and 2022.

Do not receive a prayer prayed to anyone but GOD/Jesus...Jesus is safer because there are many so called gods but only one Jesus who peoples of the earth pray to.

Satan is a disrespectful copycat so don't accidentally or purposely pray to other gods or deities or people or animals or to yourself or in the name of love etc...say Jesus name specifically.



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