The party climbs at last to the top of the ancient lighthouse—and finds something that threatens to tear them apart.
If you enjoy the show, please leave us a rating and review at the podcast service of your choice, and find our social links at www.tabletopgold.com.
Tabletop Gold is Lars Casteen, David Chernicoff, Zoe Chernicoff, R. Matt Humphreys, and Robin Lange.
The Roots of Ruin is a production of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Abomination Vaults for Pathfinder Second Edition.
Licensed music by Nicolas Jeudy / Dark Fantasy Studio and GameDev Market. Original music by Lars Casteen.
The Roots of Ruin is a Tabletop Gold production, produced under the Paizo Incorporated Community Use policy. The Roots of Ruin uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., used under Paizo's Community Use Policy (paizo.com/communityuse). We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. Paizo does not recognize, endorse, or sponsor this project in any way. Original characters and content are the property of Tabletop Gold. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, visit paizo.com…
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