The Fatima Apparitions, are the mostly widely known apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary approved by Catholic Church. Beginning in 1917, Our Blessed Mother appeared to 3 small children in Fatima Portugal. Why did she choose to appear in this tiny village?
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Have you ever wondered the the Blessed Virgin Mary appear in Fatima? Why not another village or city in Portugal? What made this tiny little village so special that it would attract a visitation from the Mother of God? Well, who better to answer this question than Sr Lucia. She lived in Fatima before the apparitions, she saw Mary herself, and lived in the title village after the apparitions concluded.
In the mind of Sr Lucia, there is one contributing factor as to why the the Virgin Mary apparitions happened in Fatima. The reason, those who lived in the this little village were faithful to God. Faith has permeated all aspects of living.
Sr Lucia writes,Their homes had been blessed by the Sacrament of Matrimony; and their conjugal fidelity was absolute. They welcomed all the children that God chose to send them, not as a burden but as another gift with which God was enriching their homes.
Sr Lucia highlighted the importance of children learning the Catholic faith at home. “It was on their father’s knees and their mother’s lap that the children learned to pronounce the Holy Name of God…. Thus the light of faith grew so strong in these delicate, pure and innocent souls that it later illuminated their whole lives in all its meanderings.”
When it comes to receiving the Sacraments, Sr Lucia writes, “The day on which each of their children made his or her First Communion was one of solemn and intimate rejoicing for all the family, for on that day God was once again visiting their home and uniting Himself with one of its members. In their homes there was no abundance of the earthly goods. However there was peace and unity, joy and love, thus everyone was happy.”
So why did the blessed Virgin appear in Fatima, Sr. Lucia gives the answers. “I think that it will have been the fact these families kept these divine laws, in spite of the inevitable weakness of human nature, that drew down upon them the gaze of the infinite mercy of God.”
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!