Tony Blair & Gordon Brown Patrons of a Criminal 'Charity'?

Tony Blair & Gordon Brown Patrons of a Criminal 'Charity'?

Guests Amina Abdel-Khaliq is a nurse and educator, and a member of Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Mick Napier: Chair Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Join Chris Williamson this week on Resistance TV to ask, Are Tony Blair and Gordon Brown Patrons of a Criminal 'Charity'?

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are patrons of the Jewish National Fund-UK, which has funded the development of a Park on the ruins of ethnically cleansed Palestinian villages. A sign at the entrance to the park – which remains Palestinian property – reads "British Park, A gift of the Jewish National Fund of Great Britain".

#TonyBlair #GordonBrown #Palestine #Israel #Criminal #Labour #UK #JewishNationalFund #ChrisWilliamson #ResistanceTV #ResistMovement

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