The Physical Body | Blooming Lotus: Transcending the Mundane | Session 13

The Physical Body | Blooming Lotus: Transcending the Mundane | Session 13

This series aims to cover the various aspects of spiritual wisdom laid down in Sanatan Dharma and how to utilize the same in our daily lives to enhance our living.
Looking forward to have you in this journey together.

Concepts discussed in today's session -
1. Sense and Work Organs (Gyanendriya and Karmendriya)
2. Indriyas as organs of interaction of physical body with outside world.
3. Distinct nature of operation of each indriya.
4. The feedback of output to input causes illusion. Karma and Karmaphala due to the illusion.
5. Separation between what is produced and that what produces. This creates righteous action.
6. Tamasic and Sattwic operation of the indriyas.
7. Indriyas are physical but their operation are abstract.

Sense and Work Organs - 0:00
Confusion/Illusion of the Physical Body - 17:55
Separation of Action creates Righteous Action- 30:27
Operation of Indriyas in Tamas and Sattwa - 34:58
The Abstract Operations of the Physical Body - 44:15

|| About the Speaker ||

Dr. Sohom Chakrabarty works as Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering in IIT Roorkee, India. He is a regular practitioner of yoga and meditation, and keenly observes the phenomenon of human life through the lens of ancient spiritual knowledge of India, coupled with his training as an engineer. He passionately discusses how to utilize the ancient spiritual wisdom to enhance our daily lives.

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Sacred Union is dedicated to create an understanding of our spiritual nature through observation of experiential reality, thereby connecting us to our higher consciousness and uplifting our state of living.

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