St. Louise de Marillac: The Aristocrat Who Became A Saint

St. Louise de Marillac: The Aristocrat Who Became A Saint

✨St. Louise de Marillac
St. Louise de Marillac was born as an illegitmitate child of a noble. Although growing up among the aristocracy, life was difficult. She had to face difficulty upon difficulty. But she at last went on to become and amazing saint caring for the poor and the sick. Watch the video to find out more about St. Louise de Marillac, the daughter of Louis de Marillac.

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0:00 Intro
0:10 Chilhood
1:11 Call to Religious Life And Rejection
1:29 Marriage and Death of Husband
2:19 Meetig St. Vincent de Paul And Charity
3:35 Death And Canonization
4:06 Conclusion
4:30 Outro

Fantastic Saints 😇 is a series where we will be discussing the most fascinating and mind-blowing stories of saints in church history. Do you want a bunch of fascinating and mind-blowing stories about saints? You are in the right place. Saints usually inspire us to do good and to live like them. Listening to their stories will immensely help you grow in your faith-life. Catholic Church have some fascinating saints, many of which will be covered in the series.

Dramatic Intense Trailer -
Awakening - Patrick Patrikios
The Poisoned Princess - Media RIght Productions

Almost All Images From The Official Website of the de Paul University Archives.

Source of Information:


St Louise de MarillacLouise de Marillacde Marillac

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