Crews continue to prepare the Quick Disconnect Arm for installation. Its attachment points on the Launch Tower were fitted earlier this week. Meanwhile, Booster 4 remains in the High Bay as Ship 20 gets ready for its test campaign.
Video & Photos from Mary (@BocaChicaGal) and the NSF Robotic Camera Team. Edited by Brady Kenniston (@TheFavoritist)
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L2 Boca Chica (more clips and photos) from BC's very early days to today.
(Join L2 and support NSF here: https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/l2/)
0:00 Crews Work on the Orbital Launch Site Overnight
0:53 Sunrise
1:26 Cryo Tank Shell Attached to the LR 11000 Crane
1:57 Bigge Crane and Orbital Tank Farm GSE
2:27 Propellant Subcoolers
3:33 Orbital Tank Farm Pan
4:18 Work on the Catch Arms Continues
5:48 Work Continues on the Orbital Launch Mount
6:17 Ship 20 on Suborbital Pad B
7:13 Work on the Quick Disconnect Arm Continues
9:10 GSE 7 Tank Stacked in the Mid Bay
10:15 Remedios Ave Storage and Work Area
10:35 Work Continues on the Thrust Simulator Stand
11:05 BN2.1 Test Tank, Ship Aft Section on Mount, Booster Thrust Simulator
11:37 Booster Thrust Simulator
12:07 GSE 7 Tank in Mid Bay
12:38 Production Site
13:04 Ring Section Marked “Not for Flight Use”
13:58 Work on the Smooth Nosecone Continues
15:39 Booster 4 in the High Bay
16:08 Ring Sections Outside the High Bay
16:32 Short GSE Tank
17:01 Work on the Launch Tower Continues
17:25 B3 and S20
17:56 Catch Arms and Orbital Tank Farm
18:24 Base of the Launch Tower
19:29 Work Continues on the Catch Arms
18:59 B3, S20, and the Launch Site