Principle 15: Fork (The 32 Principles of Jiu-Jitsu)

Principle 15: Fork (The 32 Principles of Jiu-Jitsu)

Principle 15: Fork
Creating positional dilemmas that force your opponent to choose how they lose.

A forked position creates two or more “prongs” of opportunity. The Fork Principle forces your opponent to choose between a submission, sweep, takedown, pass, reversal, positional advancement, or any combination thereof. The River and Fork Principles are similar, but one is reactive and other is pro-active. The River Principle applies to an open, free flowing situation in which you react to obstacles by flowing around them. The Fork Principle actively limits your opponent’s options causing them to flow into positions in which you will determine the outcome.

The 32 Principles - Part 3 comes out this weekend!


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