[Mirror] Twenty One Pilots - Shy Away | NearlySeniorCitizen Reacts #6

[Mirror] Twenty One Pilots - Shy Away | NearlySeniorCitizen Reacts #6

#21Pilots #ShyAway #Reaction #OhIHopeThisWorksButIBetItWillNot

Another reaction video mirrored from my reaction channel! I hope you enjoy, and maybe think of subbing to the other channel :)

This is my new REACTIONS channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI1Yn7i6fuy8Vh-JKzUsT0A

This my new CREATIVE and/or DISTURBING channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvk7HrSeVL0gnl4Z0YJLKlA

This is my MAIN channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/williamroeben

This is my GAME channel no less :) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFpXCb8JofGluataw9HIoJw

Amazon Wishlist http://a.co/alqqDbR

I am partnered with HumbleBundle.com! Please visit this link and buy some stuff- they are AWESOME! https://www.humblebundle.com/?partner=nerlysenorcitzen

My email address is NearlySeniorCitizen@gmail.com

Please send me a Postcard or keychain (or whatever you like; I ask only for postcards and keychains!):

P.O. Box 89
Shelton, WA

https://www.facebook.com/william.roeben ...is the NearlySeniorCitizen Facebook page!
https://twitter.com/william_roeben ...is the Twitter account!

I have a TWITCH page where I STREAM games and MORE! Come check it out! https://www.twitch.tv/nearlyseniorcitizen

I have a PUBLIC Discord Chat page- https://discord.gg/TEFMKrW And who knows, I may be there!

mirror21 pilotsshy away

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