A 2 for 1 kinda video, started off with a trail run through the streets of Inglewood and the river trails. 15 trucks head out for a run, not getting back to the parking lot until after dark. The night part of the run was pretty awesome with all the lights from all the trucks, the camera doesn't do it justice. Part 2 of the video is at Rookies garage with Rookie and Krazy Joe going head to head in the video, its pretty amazing how close of a race it is. Let me know if you would like to see more semi truck videos in the comments below, Thanks for watching, enjoy.
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Music by YouTube Audio Library
Welcome to Scale Town, where we love the scale side of RC. The more scale it is the more we like it. Some people have asked what RC CWR stands for, Remote Control Chris Will Rappel. We are a father (Chris) 'n son (Will) team that started in the hobby in 2011. We have many RCs in our collection RC4WD, Axial, Traxxas, Streamline RC, Tamiya, Losi, HPI and the list continues. We build our custom trailers for hauling the boats and custom build styrene camping trailers. Thanks for watching and enjoy, please subscribe LIKE and comment.