Is Vitamin D Good For The Prostate?

Is Vitamin D Good For The Prostate?

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Vitamin D is one of the most essential nutrients that the body needs. It plays a vital role in calcium absorption, immune function, and protecting bone, muscle, and heart health.

Often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," the primary natural source of vitamin D is solar exposure. But for most people, this is not enough,

In the video we will take a closer look at some of the research surrounding vitamin d deficiency and prostate cancer risk.
0:00 - Prologue
1:40 - Vitamin D and Tumor Growth
3:12 - Vitamin D and Prostate Cancer Survival
4:00 - Vitamin D and Active Surveillance
4:47 - Outro
6:15 - Thanks for watching
**Medical Disclaimer** The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Vitamin Dprostate cancer survivalvitamin D and prostate

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