How to choose the right student loan - Variable loans Vs Fixed Rate student loans -

How to choose the right student loan - Variable loans Vs Fixed Rate student loans -

In this video, How to choose the right student loan - Variable loans Vs Fixed Rates choosing the right student loan," in addition we discuss why you take the student loan in the student's name when possible. Also we discuss refinancing student loan debt especially if you are looking to go with a Variable rate. We talk about Parent Plus loans, NJ Class Loans and Private loans like Sallie Mae, Nelnet, Sofi, Citizen Bank, Discover, etc. We talk about when not to take a private student loan and when to go with a state loan like NJ Class, Vermont Student loan, PHEAA Student loan. We talk about what interest rates make sense when you are deciding on a student loan and when to take the variable student loan over the fixed student loan and when it makes sense to go with the Federal Parent Plus Loan.

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If you need help with the college process please fee free to contact us at or call at 908-400-1363.

#College #Studentloan #variablerates

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