How to change Square face shape and reduce Square jaw naturally | Square jaw reduction exercise

How to change Square face shape and reduce Square jaw naturally | Square jaw reduction exercise

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How to reduce the square jaw from the bone and remove the strong muscles around the jaw line.

Make the face frame slimmer and slender with massage and facial exercises.

Let's get started.

Step 1
Use your knuckles to massage in circular motions from the jaw up to the ears 3 times to relax the muscles.

Step 2
Drag your knuckles from the ear to the jaw 10 times.
Drag your knuckles from your ear to your chin 10 times.

Step 3
Place your palms at the corners of the protruding jaw line and gently push back 10 times.

Step 4
Use your index knuckle to drag from your chin up to your ear 10 times.
Place your thumb under your chin, your index finger above your chin. Drag from chin to ear 10 times.
Do the other side as well.

Step 5
Use your knuckles to press slightly on the corners of the jaw.
Slide it down and push it up to the ear. Rub it down your neck 10 times.

Step 6
Use your knuckles to press your chin and drag it up to your ear.
Circular massage on the temples and move behind your head, Do 5 times.

Finished, Make sure to do it twice a day.

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#ReduceSquareJaw #SquareJaw #SquareFace

how to reduce square jaw naturallysquare jaw reductionjaw surgery

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