INTIMACY - it's definitely in the TOP 5 of what couples want most of when seeking my help. Who doesn't want to feel closer to the one's they love?
One of the best ways to do that is eye gazing. I know, it can seem corny to some people. In fact, many people find it very difficult. However, it is one of the sweetest, most intimate, most loving, & tender experiences you can create with somebody.
They have a saying that the "eyes are the gateway to the soul." Well, those poets are right. And to do this well without being super corny or creepy is to start by breaking up the roles of giver and receiver.
Someone needs to be the “gazer” and someone else to be "receiving the gaze." The gazer needs to soften the eyes and soften their body position to avoid the dreaded STARING GAZE.
The intense staring gaze feels invasive. It's the creepy Vibe. The soft gaze is respectful, curious, and tender. As you look "into" this person through their eyes, try to breathe together.
This is typically a non-verbal exercise, best to be mostly silent. At times, people want to giggle or make a joke, but that's just a sign that they're uncomfortable. Do your best to tolerate the first few seconds of awkwardness.
This is vulnerable, and vulnerabilities are an interesting thing. Did you know that vulnerable actually translates to “woundable,” which is probably why it's hard to let someone look that deep inside of you? But it's so important because we need to be seen. There's a profound human need to be seen and to be met. So, therefore, the Giver is sensitive to the receiver's vulnerability and admires their bravery.
After some time, I suggest the giver plays with aiming their gaze beyond the eyes, such as the heart & throat. You're can't "literally" look inside the throat or the heart, but your gaze can kind of travel. And what you'll notice is that you can actually sense, feel, and even "visualize" the things that exist within us that lanuage has no name for. Including everything in between.
In the throat are all things we wish we would've said or we wish we could take back.
As you travel to the heart, you can truly see the beauty of who they are, including the places that might still be closed and tight.
Another enjoyable, sexy thing to do is to travel all the way down to the sexy bits below the navel and explore the space of attraction, magnetism, and even awe.
Don't be surprised if tears show up. In fact, I always tell people they get bonus points for tears. If tears arise, it's because this can be a really emotional experience of closeness. It also tests our ability to trust and be trustworthy. So if your partner begins to cry, don't worry. You haven't done anything wrong; it's a sign that you are being "let in." And it's beautiful.
We are our *most* lovable in those moments when we are vulnerable and tender. That's where the profundity of love shines.
Here's a tip for those that really struggle with eye contact...what tends to happen is we feel awkward, then anxious, and we start to look anywhere else but those eyes looking back at you. It's natural and normal. This happens to nearly every beginner. You have to build your capacity to feel that much attention. Have compassion for yourself and your partner. No one is misbehaving!
To help increase someone's capacity for eye gazing, direct them to leave the eye gaze periodically while focusing on another area of the partner's face. You'll notice sustaining direct eye contact will increase in length each time. Even if my partner can't look into my eyes the whole time, I'm still encouraging them to take in my whole face, focusing on all the little details. This supports the deep presence required of the practice to be transformative. Remember, most people didn't grow up with good intimacy role models, and many cultures frown on direct eye contact. It's no wonder we aren't great at it.
I hope you take this practice for a little test drive. There's more on these energy centers. I mentioned only three of them. That was the throat, the heart, and the genitals. I've got some wonderful materials that describe the psychology of these seven genius zones, and I will be happy to get you a set. Use this private link, https://www.moreloveworks.com/subscribe-free-cheatsheet-chakra-genius-zones; fill out the form, and you'll be able to download it.
Lastly, do this on a date! Maybe on the second, third, or fourth date... maybe not the first date (unless you are both already into Tantra). If you’re really starting to like someone, and you're hitting it off, this is a really cool way to start feeling even more of those ooh la la’s.
My name is Leah Piper. I'm with www.moreloveworks.com.