Get Started With Your Mobility: https://tommorrison.uk/products/the-simplistic-mobility-method
Close Foot, Heel Elevated Squats are a great way to get a feel for what it’s like to sit in a comfortable, resting squat if you’re limited with your mobility.
It completely takes away the demands of good ankle dorsiflexion and helps you work on that bottom position without feeling like you are going to fall over - or that your back and/or knees are going to explode!
This is also a great beginner variation for exercises like the pistol squat. It checks if you can get full depth without risking your ankles or knees caving in, meaning you can do loads of reps and build good, foundational, full range strength!
Try adding these to your mobility routines, and even for supersets between sets of squats! Over time just decrease the heel elevation you have so you can sit comfortably lower and lower – the important word being COMFORTABLY!
If you don’t enjoy sitting into a resting squat unassisted yet, then this is perfect for you!
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