Chiropractic Care Is Expensive

Chiropractic Care Is Expensive

I'm Dr. Brian, and a lot of people think that what I do is expensive -- even a luxury.

The reality is that what I do is less expensive than surgery, which can take months and months to recover from.

It's less expensive than time off work, which costs you money from your paycheck.

It's less expensive than prescriptions after prescriptions after prescriptions.

Most importantly, it's less expensive than missed time with friends and family.

You see, at Genesis Family Chiropractic, we provide adjustments to deliver the best natural approach to health to help all of our patients be the best that they can be and avoid pain and other symptoms.

The term Genesis means “the beginning.” At Genesis Family Chiropractic, we strive to be the beginning of your journey to a healthy life, full of vitality. The depth of our care begins with the chiropractic adjustment. We also include nutritional guidance, exercise instruction, and lifestyle coaching. As a practice, we have found that when using this multi-faceted approach, we are able to care for the WHOLE self. This allows us to reach deeper levels of health, and promote healing as God intended.

Genesis Family Chiropractic

1155 South 10th Street

Noblesville, IN 46060


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Noblesville IN ChiropractorGenesis Family ChiropracticDr. Brian McCarley

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