Box CMO Chris Koehler- winning and retaining the educated customer

Box CMO Chris Koehler- winning and retaining the educated customer

Chris Koehler, currently serving as CMO of Box, has seen it all. He took the path less traveled all the way back to his days at Adobe. While heading Box’s customer success department, Chris interviewed several CMO candidates before stepping in and filling the role himself. His experiences across distinct business areas provide him with a unique perspective that is valuable to those across every facet of an organization. Join hosts Scott and Andrei as Chris shares his marketing wisdom as well as the context around major career inflection points.

Here are some quick takeaways:

Continuing to grow once a company has scaled requires a delicate balance of setting long-term goals while allowing for a flexible path to reach them

Being a ‘generalist’ is not a bad thing- it allows one to leverage their knowledge from other areas and provide new ways of problem solving

Marketing is more than winning new customers- it should involve working with the customer success team to keep existing customers happy

Covid has accelerated the demand for self-service B2B products, and companies should invest in their e-commerce presence to keep up


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