Bathroom Remodel Ideas in 2021 to Reduce Toxins

Bathroom Remodel Ideas in 2021 to Reduce Toxins

I love hunting through Pinterest to find bathroom remodel ideas. Not that we plan to remodel our bathroom anytime in the near future, but we do know that someday this will make it to the top of the priority list and we’ll get to implement all those bathroom remodel ideas I’ve been saving and pinning.

For now, we’ve just updated pieces of the bathroom and switched out components to look a little more modern. It’s kind of that “home takes time” mantra in play. Eventually the bathrooms wil have a complete makeover, but in the meantime, we'll just change little things here and there to create a space we still like and feel comfortable in.

Updating a bathroom can feel a little overwhelming because so many of the components are connected -- once you change your tub surround, you’re picking out new plumbing fixtures to go with it Same with the vanity -- if you’re changing out the cabinets, you’ll end up getting a different countertop, fixtures and probably lights.

But in the same breath, replacing these components can not only add value to your space, but it can also be a great opportunity to reduce toxins that you come in contact with every single day.

bathroom ideasremodelrenovation

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