Zhao Lijian: The so-called "competition, cooperation and confrontation" approach for dealing with China by the US side is in essence defining China as a competitor, stoking confrontation and containing and suppressing China's development. This approach does not distinguish between the major aspect and minor aspect of China-US relations. It is not in line with the facts, the fundamental interests of the two peoples and the trend of the times. It fundamentally originates from a zero-sum mentality.
I would like to stress that the US has repeatedly claimed to talk to China from "a position of strength", which reflects its arrogance and bullying. As China has pointed out many times, the US is in no position to lecture or point fingers at China, or to deal with China from "a position of strength". We didn't buy that in Anchorage, and we certainly won't buy that in Tianjin.
China always believes that China-US relations should be based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, rather than one side taking the benefit only. The development of China-US relations needs a "guard rail", but it cannot be defined by the US unilaterally. The US should stop interfering in China's internal affairs, stop smearing China and harming China's interests. This is the "guard rail" for the bilateral ties in a real sense.
During Deputy Secretary Sherman's visit to China, we will continue to elaborate on China's principled position on developing China-US relations and firmly safeguard sovereignty, security and development interests.
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