Recovered Rs 53 Lac from ICICI Prudentials | Success Stories | Insurance Angels

Recovered Rs 53 Lac from ICICI Prudentials | Success Stories | Insurance Angels

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Nitin Balchandani
Insurance Angels


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Summary of the case:

We are proud to inform that this case has come to a conclusion. The concerned insurance firm (Icici Prudential) launched an internal investigation after we highlighted the case on our YouTube channel on 05th June 2021 and shared it with regulatory authorities. Based on the findings of the inquiry, they decided to cancel the mis-sold insurance policy and refund the premium with interest to the client. The approval e-mail from the insurance company was received on 16th July 2021.
This family has asked that their identity not be revealed, and we respect their wishes. As a result, the client's images have been blurred in this video.
Link to the complaint Video uploaded on 05th June 2021:

Complaint details were as follows:

Under the pretence of mutual funds, this family was sold eight insurance policies.

All the family members have been sold ICICI Pru Future Perfect policies, which require an annual premium payment of Rs. 18 lakhs for a period of ten years.

These are traditional policies with strong premium forfeiture clauses, and if this family is unable to continue paying annual premiums of Rs. 18 lakhs, they will lose the principal amount as well as the interest portion of the policy.

Before we posted this case on our channel, we asked the client to confront ICICI Prudential's branch manager, Mr. Wasim, and record the conversation because otherwise it would have been difficult for us to prove the scam because the scam could only be realized after the client had already paid three years' premium.

The manager can be heard giving the client all inaccurate information regarding the product, and not a single statement in the entire 7-minute conversation is true.

He can be heard promising assured profits of 14 to 16 percent and claiming to invest the client's money in a 60:40 equity/debt ratio, but the funds are actually put in typical endowment plans with no equity component.

He can be heard misleading and misinforming the client, claiming that even if the client stops paying the premiums on these products, he will not suffer any loss.

Even at this point, the manager has decided to keep the client in the dark regarding the premium forfeiture cause, as well as the GSV factors and anything else connected to policy loss due to early foreclosure or surrender.

Prior to the issuing of any of these policies, no PIVC was performed, and no income verification or need analysis was made to determine whether the customer was in need of these policies and if he or she could afford to pay premiums of Rs. 18 lakhs per year for the next ten years.

I hope the regulators realize one day that an institution that was meant to bring happiness to families is now being utilized to damage our society's trust values and is wreaking havoc on families' financial health.

We began by focusing on challenges affecting Rajasthani farmers, then Maharashtra's Khilaris and Thakurs, and now it is the residents of Kolkata.

Behind every family that comes forward to speak the truth, there are hundreds more whose wealth has been eroded and who are suffering in silence because they lack the financial and legal resources to take on corrupt corporations like ICICI.

Thank you very much.

The following is a link to the client's complete audio conversation with the ICICI manager Mr. Wasim:

#insurancescam #fraudbyicicibank #iciciprudentialscam #familyscammed #scamresolved

insurance angels success storiesinsurance angels resolved caseicici prudential scam resolved

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