Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced Australia’s vaccine rollout will be sped up with pharmacies across the country to be allowed to administer the vaccine.
He said right now there are “118 community pharmacies currently vaccinating around the country" but there will be 470 by the end of the month.
“For every pharmacist that's out there, doing vaccinations right now, there'll be three times as many by the end of this month,” Mr Morrison said.
He said there are 1,262 suitable pharmacies from regional, rural and remote areas which can request to be part of the program, and 2,668 in metropolitan areas.
“From next Monday, all community pharmacies across the country will be eligible to request participation in administering AstraZeneca vaccinations to the Australian population,” he said.
“I also want to stress that all remaining GPs who would like to participate in the program can also do that from Monday.
“This increase in the pharmacy rollout, for now, is about AstraZeneca and it's particularly designed to ensure that we can address those more vulnerable populations over 60.”