On the top of the car was an enormous hand print, very obvious it was a hand, fingers, not claws.

On the top of the car was an enormous hand print, very obvious it was a hand, fingers, not claws.

Bigfoot or Sasquatch, the cryptid America loves.
Bigfoot keychain: https://amzn.to/3hIWBnf

David Paulides Missing 411- https://youtu.be/zEA9-mEOZtA

Dr. Squatch Men's Soap Variety Pack- https://amzn.to/3tf7EIL

T-Shirts- https://amzn.to/3bCe3rx

Trail Cams- https://amzn.to/3rITsHD

Kindle Free Ebook; Bigfoot#1- https://amzn.to/3c57Aph

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If you have a real encounter you would like to share, publicly or private (be SURE to let me know whether or not to read your encounter) please send them to :

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You will NOT be ridiculed here! Let's raise awareness about these beings. People need to know what is possible when they picnic, hike, camp, hunt or fish. Or even drive down the road. Hope to hear from you soon!

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If you find any content unauthorized then please contact us we will kindly take it
Sound effects from mixkit
Some audio from You Tube Library
Some images from .clipartkey
Some visual effects from: fotor

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Bigfoot: Real Encountersbigfootyeti

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