How to Spot a FAKE ALPHA #shorts

How to Spot a FAKE ALPHA #shorts

How can you distinguish a FAKE Alpha from a REAL Alpha? Fake alphas main value systems are monetary value and perceived value, while for real alpha's it's self-value. Fake alphas try to make other people like them while real alphas don't try at all to impress anyone. Fake alphas are desperate for attention and are always bragging and showing off, but real alphas don't care about glory or praise. Fake alphas criticize and look down on others to make themselves look better - Real alphas give due respect to everyone regardless of who they are, what they do, or what they have. All it takes to be a real alpha is sticking to your values and belief system and living out your life the way you want to live it without letting anything manipulate it or you into anything else. Beware of the fake alpha and becoming one yourself - these are one of the most toxic people known to mankind.

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