Exploring the Coastline of Trondelag (Norway) in our Land Rover Discovery 3 - Day Two

Exploring the Coastline of Trondelag (Norway) in our Land Rover Discovery 3 - Day Two

After an amazing first day we woke up to a perfect weather morning. Remember this is May month in Norway, so it's as good as it can be out on the costline. πŸ™‚ My wife is the morning person and she has already gotten a head start on the views. I wake up, and seeing her sitting there enjoying the scenery makes me so happy.

In this video you will get to see some great views from our drive back to Trondheim/Malvik. You will get to see the route we took and the places we stopped at.

To start with you will get to see how my overland box setup works and why it's one of the most modular setups you can have, in good weather that is. πŸ™‚ And this is probably the cheapest and simplest ways you can start overlanding. Buy 3-4 boxes that can be out in the wet during the night, load them in your car and you are pretty much set. Does not matter the car, just head out and start exploring and learn as you go.

As always, enjoy the video and hit me up with a comment if you want to know more and don't forget to like and subscribe.

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Simon Schybaj Mastermo
Benedicte Schybaj Mastermo

#overlandinginnorway #landroverdrive #simonfilmstudiomastermo

Land Rover Drive - Overlanding in Norway - Outdoor fun and camping adventures in Norway.

SIMON FILM STUDIO MASTERMO - Is now open for filming and editing jobs.

If you have any question or feedback please feel free to put it in a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Edited in Adobe Premier Pro by Simon Schybaj Mastermo - SIMON FILM

For sponsorship, product reviews, and collaboration, you can email me here: contact@landroverdrive.com

ig and fb: @landroverdrive


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