Architectural Designers | Home Extension Architecture Firms | Specialist Home Architects

Architectural Designers | Home Extension Architecture Firms | Specialist Home Architects

Architectural Designers | Home Extension Architecture Firms | Specialist Home Architects

Trained architects are professionals, and professionals are never the inexpensive option. While an architect is the obvious choice, in some cases, employing their services may be a costly overkill. One of the key considerations when embarking on the home improvement journey is the complexity of the scheme. Some of you may want an extension that resembles something off of Grand Designs but the vast majority of people just want something that works, improves their lifestyle and looks great. Building an extension using standard construction techniques is not rocket science. Most of the parts are off the shelf and any made to measure items such as the windows and doors are made in a factory specialising in their manufacture.

An architect is also likely to be the right person to go to if you’re looking to develop a difficult site, such as a plot with a severe slope or tricky access because they will have the skills to mitigate these issues within their design. The perennial downside of using an architect, and a concern I’ve heard repeatedly over the years, is that while they produce stunning designs, quite often the budget is forgotten and the project ends up becoming unaffordable. This issue can be compounded by architects working to a percentage of the build costs, which acts as an incentive to design a bigger and better house than the original brief calls for. Using a package company is a popular and sensible route into self-build homes, especially for first-timers, as you’ll have access to their support all the way through the project.

It’s at this stage where DIY designs can come unstuck where a space has been designed but no thought given to the structural support or the aesthetics of the rooms. It’s what you don’t know that you don’t know, that gets you into trouble and can potentially end up costing you more in construction costs than paying for someone to design it economically in the first place. Many architects and designers will be familiar with the clients who call up having obtained planning permission for their drawings but no idea of how to build it. After the financial crash, architects had to revisit their pricing because work was scarce; falling back on the old RIBA scale system, which was a licence to print money, made them too expensive. There are stories of people paying architects tens of thousands of pounds under RIBA contracts and the project not even underway on site.

Ultimately, it’s your call. For complex, cutting-edge designs, highly energy-efficient homes or where you want to extract the maximum from a difficult plot, hiring an architect will be money well spent. But if you are building a generic four-sided box extension with a flat roof, it may be a waste of your budget, as there are designers who can do just as good a job for a fraction of the cost at that level.

Home Extension Architecture Firms can be difficult to come across, but with Architectural Designers, we are trained in loft and basement conversions, housing redevelopment specialists, loft conversions room ideas and more! Our cellar conversion experts and team of specialist home architects can help with converting a garage and more, so get in touch today:

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Home Extension Architecture FirmsLoft and Basement ConversionsHousing Redevelopment Specialists

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