Hello and welcome! I would like to introduce myself and why I am here. My name is Chauntae and I am an intuitive psychic empath. This a twin flame/soulmate channel, I am here to deliver messages from spirit. I offer free messages here But if you would like a personal my information is on the bottom. This is for entertainment purposes only! In no way should anyone make personal, legal, or medical decisions based off of my readings.
If you would like a personal, Please reach me at empathicaf123@gmail.com.
My personals start at $25.00 USD for 3 questions ,I have also started a facebook page with the same name and picture! Join me there as well!
If you would like to donate to my channel, My CashTag is $EmpathicAF123.
Please include all capital letters and numbers. I Appreciate all the likes, comments, and subscriptions to my channel. I love you from the bottom of my heart ya’ll! May you receive all of the love and the light. Stay blessed!